Tag Archives: house

Gingerbread House

I love Christmas. A lot. So when I first decided to make a gingerbread house a few years ago, I wanted it to be perfect. It wasn’t, but I was still overjoyed with the gingery smell wafting through the house. It immediately put me in the mood for Christmas. What I wasn’t expecting was the numerous construction challenges. Hence, the key lessons of gingerbread house building:

1. Turns out, that extra centimetre on your roof will make your house structurally unsound and it will collapse. So follow your patterns to the T and you should be ok.

2. Royal icing is your friend.

3. More is more with the lollies. They hide all forms of errors.

We never actually got around to eating our house. By Easter it had started to house a colony of exotic bugs and it was thrown out with the chocolate egg wrappers.

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